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In My Shoes - VR Prototype Demo
Ayo Norman - Williams

In My Shoes - VR Prototype Demo

In My Shoes - VR Prototype

In My Shoes is a VR game about experiencing the world from the perspective of a mouse. The player runs around in a hotel, climbing surfaces and picking up cookies and cheese. It was built for the Meta Quest 2.
In My Shoes was built over the course of 10 days, as part of a summer school delivered by the University of Antwerp and AP Hogeschool in Antwerp, Belgium. The first five days were for planning out the project, the next 4 days were for implementation, and the final day was for presentations. I led the group with regards to design, and I was the developer of the prototype itself.
Using the built-in Unity XR plugins, I implemented character locomotion (via continuous movement), climbing and picking up objects (with help from the university), and tunneling, which came after feedback of motion sickness from testers. I built the environment using simple shapes within Unity, free assets including models and PBR textures, and models that I built myself in Blender (namely the spiral staircase).
My teammates Yuhang Liang, Zeina Qahwaji and Chloé Haumont helped flesh out the game's concept, narrative elements, pitch presentation, sound design, asset sourcing and aided with level design.

The interior of the hotel, designed to emphasise the intimidating scale of normal human environments. All surfaces are climbable (by reaching upwards, squeezing on the controller and pulling downwards), meaning the tops of door frames and book shelves become platforming sections.

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